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Chilling Betrayal

Writer's picture: Bayou BomberBayou Bomber

Chapter 1

Cold breath nearly clouded Anastasia's vision as she and Christian darted through the back alleyways of Kalnas. Her slender body caught between the limbo of her warm sweat continuously freezing in the unforgiving air during her desperate flight. She needed to hide; her distinct silver hair reflected the moon's rays, rendering her unable to avoid anonymity.

The Anteaters were coming for them and they were out for blood. All around them, they could hear the shouts from their pursuers; some on the rooftops, others behind them, and what seemed to be around almost every corner they thought to escape into.

“Christian, they're getting closer, what do we do?” Anastasia said to her companion.

Christian looked back to see Anteater agents turning the corner catching sight of them. He pointed to an upcoming turn in the alley, “Quickly, there!” he shouted, jerking Anastasia with him as he took a hard turn to their left. His ever watchful eyes darted around looking out for Anteater agents who might ambush them. Due to his enormous size, he would be able to take on one or two, but any more would spell trouble.

Behind them they could hear the sounds of the agents behind them shouting which alleyway they had run into.

Christian picked up his pace knowing they'd only have a few seconds to reach his intended destination.

Anastasia felt Christian's grip on her tighten causing a twinge of pain and as he sped forward, she stumbled, nearly falling in the process. “Where are we going?” she asked.

“There's an old hideout of mine I used to have as a child. It's full of secret passages which lead to different places around the city. We'll be safe there if we can make it just beyond that wall up ahead.” he replied.

Ten feet away from them was a six foot high brick wall. As they got closer, Anastasia saw an old rod iron gate barely supported by one hinge. They slipped through the gate unnoticed right as the Anteaters rounded the corner of the alleyway they were previously in. An old abandoned estate stood before them, worn down by the elements and time.

Christian quickly led her inside and peeked out the window waiting for the Anteater agents to pass by. Their footsteps grew louder and a few seconds later, they saw a group of agents speed by, some turning down a perpendicular alleyway. He waited another minute or two waiting for stragglers before he let his guard down.

“Are they gone? Did we lose them?” Anastasia whispered.

Christian looked down at Anastasia who had been crouched behind him, “I think so.” he replied sliding down the wall to sit next to her. He took a few deep breaths to gather himself; his heart racing. His lungs screaming; he had never run before like that in his life, let along the frigid air didn't help.

Anastasia let out a sigh of relief sitting next to Christian laying her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arm around his.

Christian let out a light chuckle, “I don't know how Raphean expects us to get jobs done when we constantly have those Anteater punks on our asses all the time.”

Anastasia hummed, “Yeah. It does make it difficult when your enemy knows who you are by name and face.”

A subtle chilling breeze swept through the estate sending goosebumps coursing throughout Anastasia's body. She clung to Christian tighter for warmth.

Christian rose to his feet helping Anastasia up, “Come on, let's get out of here so we can find some place warmer to hide.” he said leading her to the basement of the home.

“So what exactly is this place?” Anastasia asked looking around at the decayed elegance of the estate.

Christian smiled being filled with nostalgia thinking about his times spent here during childhood, “This old place used to belong to the serial killer named Duke Sanguinius. My grandfather told me stories about him growing up to keep me in line, even telling me this place was haunted by his spirit.”

Anastasia jerked her head around to look at Christian with fear in her tone. “Is this place really haunted?”

Christian laughed, “Of course not! I've been in this place long enough to know. I've never once encountered any evil spirits lurking about.”

The couple reached the bottom of the stairs leading to the basement. Much like the rest of the house, it was abandoned, falling apart, and empty. The stench of mildew filled their nostrils and the eerie creaks of house echoed in the room.

“You mentioned secret passages, where are they?” Anastasia said.

Christian moved the crate off to the side which sat in the corner and kneeling down he loosened one of the bricks. He fiddled around the gap and the sound of a click swung the shelf open, which was next to him. Christian stood in the entryway of the secret passage beckoning Anastasia to join him. “Come on.”

Anastasia, so Christian's hand letting him lead her through the secret passage. It was dark and she nearly stumbled a few times if it had not been for Christian supporting her. “Do you remember where you're going?” She asked.

Christian bobbed his head from side to side. “Roughly, my memory is a bit fuzzy but I have a general idea of where I'm going. The closest we can get to the gate of the city is taking the route which leads to the central marketplace. From there, it's up to us to remain undetected as we escape.”

Christian poked his head into the alleyway from the cellar door. No one was around and he heard no sounds. He signaled to Anastasia the coast was clear whispering into her ear they would stick to the shadows. It had been at least an hour since their last encounter with the Anteaters, he thought surely by now they had given up for the night but it was still wise to remain cautious.

Melded in the shadows, Anastasia in Christian stealthily creeped through the streets and alleyways until they could see the gate to the city insight. Anastasia took a few steps forward, but was halted by Christian thrusting his arm in front of her.

“Hold on a minute, something doesn't feel right.”

Anastasia looked at Christian curiosity and then looked back at the gate which was guarded by two militiamen. “What you mean?”

All the gate guards were on the Anthill's payroll, providing valuable information about who comes in and who goes out of the city. Christian now wondered where their loyalties lie. “We didn't run into a single suspicious person on our way here, don't you find that a bit odd?”

Anastasia pondered on it for a moment and nodded. “Now that you mention it, it is strange we haven't seen a single person. Do you think it's a trap?”

Christian shook his head. “No, but I suspect the guards are looking for us, waiting for us to show up so we can be apprehended and handed over to Miccolo.”

“So what's our plan?” Anastasia asked.

Surveying the area, Christian brainstormed ideas of how to sneak past the guards. Could they actually sneak past them? What about a diversion? What if they charge straight pass them? What if they engaged them and quickly subdued them? Close by to the gate was a small barn, which housed a wagon full of hay. “I have an idea for diversion. Follow me.”

Following close behind Christian, Anastasia briskly glided over the cobblestone streets, being aware of the weight of her footsteps as to not alert the guards nearby.

Christian lifted one of the torches nearby off the stone wall tossing it into the pile of hay on the back of the wagon. The smoke and flame grew large enough to draw attention. He dragged Anastasia from the barn yelling from the top of his lungs “Fire, fire! Someone help, there's a fire in the barn over there!”

Rounding the corner quickly they peered back to see the gate guards attending to the fire in a panic. Christian and Anastasia looped around the building, slipped out of the city unnoticed, and disappeared into the night. A few miles outside of Kalnas they set up camp, huddled around a meager campfire.

“Well we've had quite the exciting day, don't you think Ana?” Christian cooed.

Anastasia giggled. “I'd say so.” and her smile faded to sorrow “I'm just sad things came to this.”

“Well, remember my previous warning? I told you so.” Christian replied poking Anastasia in the head.

Anastasia remained silent in shame. After Raphean and Miccolo went their separate ways, she had tried to remain neutral. When she was old enough to leave the orphanage, her first job was helping Raphean keep the Monastery clean as a maid. Overtime, she grew close to Raphean and he brought her into the Anthill, naturally she would be introduced to Miccolo who would also become close with her. The three of them were like brothers and sister. Seeing their family torn apart so easily, over money, was disheartening. Earlier today she had approached Miccolo to talk things out. Christian had warned her not to let her anger get the best of her given the severity of the split in the organization. Unfortunately, during their talk, she wound up giving him a piece of her mind and he responded with an ultimatum. She didn't take it hence why Anteater agents were pursuing them – it was either join Miccolo or be killed. Wrapping herself around Christian, she feel asleep soundly; tomorrow they would relocate to Domur. For the time being, there were more allies to be found within the walls of the city than enemies.


Cheerful music filled the air complemented by the sounds of people clapping in rhythm. A young woman with silver hair and green eyes danced gracefully for her audience, playing her tambourine as her companion played his guitar. Their performance came to a halt as their audience began to disperse and gather along the road.

Held high were the images of two young people, a man and a woman. Beneath these images, were two closed caskets made of fine wood and ivory. Followed behind them were troops of soldiers with their heads hanging low out of reverence.

Out of curiosity, the silver haired woman and her male companion joined the crowd lining the street.

The man tugged on the woman's arm, “Hey, Anastasia, I think I recognize those two.”

“Are you sure, Christian? How do you know them?” Anastasia asked.

“I never forget the face of the big tipper.”

Anastasia turned her attention towards the funeral procession and hummed. Gazing up at the image of the woman, Anastasia admired her beauty and wondered who she was to deserve such privilege. She then overheard a group of people standing next to her mourning the loss of the woman calling her the princess of Heilindom.

“Christian, did you hear?” said Anastasia.

Christian nodded. “I did, to think she was royalty, but what of him?”

The woman next to Christian overheard him spoke up. “He was captain of her guard and recently knighted the esteemed title Knight of all Rosarius.”

Christian rubbed his chin in intrigue.

“What happened to them? How did they die?” Anastasia asked.

“I don't know, the last I heard of them they were heading to the north. Something must've horribly gone wrong for those two young ones to be slain in battle.” The woman said.

A man then spoke up. “It's a shame to, they were only just children. I have a daughter who is approaching Princess Elizabeth's age. I would be devastated if I lost her.”

The funeral procession finally passed by leaving the street and he once again. The crowd dispersed leaving Anastasia in Christian to get back to performing. As they walked back to their previous spot, they were confronted by younger man who is holding a glass mug of ale.

“Hey you two, I saw your performance earlier and I thought it was absolutely spectacular. Mind if I treat you to a couple of pints of Queensburry Stout?”

Anastasia nodded. “I think I've heard of it; it's that new brew everyone is talking about, right?”

The man nodded, “It is, my fair lady. There aren't too many pubs around able to keep it in stock.”

Anastasia giggled. “Then pray tell, where would we acquire such a highly sought after drink?”

The man beckoned Anastasia and Christian to follow him, “Follow me, I know a nice cozy place for us to enjoy our drinks.”

Anastasia and Christian followed the man zigzagging through back alleyways until they finally came upon a hole in the wall pub. Looking around, checking to see if the coast is clear, they entered. Warm air, cheerful patrons, and the sound of clanging glasses greeted them.

“Welcome to the Broken Keg, what can I get for y'all to drink?” a bubbly hostess said through a radiant smile.

The man pointed to Anastasia and Christian, “I'm here to treat these two to couple pints of Queensburry Stout. We're celebrating a special occasion.”

The hostess looked with intrigue. “What's the special occasion?” She asked.

The man boasted “Where about to join hands in a business venture that will make us all filthy rich, richer than the King, rest his soul!”

The hostess chuckled then over at Anastasia and Christian. “Oh Lawrence, you and your harebrained schemes! Careful of this one; he always has ideas, but they'd never pay off. If anything, it typically ends in trouble.”

Lawrence turned red and shame, “Now Millie, don't go telling them that. You know my ideas are great, it's not my fault I've had a string of bad luck. You know how it is, things happen.”

Millie rolled her eyes at Lawrence.

“I'll be in the usual spot.” Lawrence said walking past Millie with Anastasia and Christian close behind him.

They were taken to the back of the pub where they entered through parted curtains into what seemed to be a broom closet. Lawrence pulled one of the hangers down releasing a lock, which sounded with a click. Part of the wall swung open, revealing a secret room behind it. As they entered, there were other Anthill agents waiting for them.

“I brought the two you wanted, boss.” Lawrence said.

A middle-aged man looking over a giant map of Rosarius looked up to see Lawrence, Anastasia, and Christian. He beckoned them over with his hand, “Get over here, I have an assignment for you.”

Anastasia and Christian fell in next to the man so they could receive the details for their next assignment. Lawrence walked off for a moment and return briefly after with two pints of Queensburry Stout handing them to Anastasia and Christian.

“Your mission is simple, you are to infiltrate Ibersted and discover the location of the Anteaters second in command. You remember Bander Lynx? As soon as you discover his known whereabouts in the city, you're to immediately inform our agents planted in the city. Your rendezvous will be at the Broken Spear.”

“What are we going to do with this information, once we find out where is located?” Anastasia asked.

The man's voice got really low, “That's all you need to know basis. Ever since the split, I don't know who to trust, so I prefer to keep details close to the vest.” his voice, then became louder. “We've already reserved you a spot on a caravan heading to Ibersted for tomorrow. It leaves at the noon so don't be late. Dismissed.”

Anastasia in Christian left the pub and stood outside the door briefly.

“I'll meet you back at our place.” Anastasia said. “I'm going to make a quick stop before heading home.”

Christian gave Anastasia a quick hug replying, “Okay, I'll see you when you get back.” then disappearing through the alleyway.

Anastasia came upon a small church with children playing outside. A monk stood in the yard watching over them as they played. He looked up and seeing Anastasia, he smiled.

“Good day, Anastasia. Going on another trip?” The monk said.

“How did you know?” said Anastasia.

The monk chuckled. “You always come visit me when you have to leave town. You worry, you'll never see me again?”

Anastasia hesitated. “No, I just like seeing you from time to time, you were the one who raised me, after all.”

When the children realized Anastasia was there, they all excitedly gathered around her and the monk. One of the children asked with hope in their eyes. “Brother Emelio, has Anastasia come to play?”

Brother Emelio gazed into Anastasia's eyes. “Well, did you come by to play with the children?” He said in a tone subtly guilt tripping her.

“Of course I did!” She said, half convincingly. “But first, I need to do something.” And she headed to the garden located behind the church.

The aroma of fresh flowers filled her nose and the vibrant colors of blooming flowers shone all around in the radiant sunlight. A few statues of angels and renounced figures accented the garden and towards the back in the corner was a gravestone which read Grave of the Unknown Parent. Anastasia knelt before it, and retrieving a trinket from her pocket clinching it tightly in her hand as she prayed.

“Mom, dad, I'm hitting the road again. I've been given another assignment, shouldn't be anything too difficult, but you know the risks of my job. I pray you're still out there, but if I die, I hope you're there waiting for me.” She paused, taking a deep breath. “Ovo Deo.”

As Anastasia reemerged to the front lawn, Brother Emelio was there to greet her and to hold her to her promise. Anastasia spent the rest of the afternoon playing various games with the children.

When evening came, brother Emilio embraced Anastasia with a warm hug whispering into her ear. “Safe travels, my child. May the God of creation and magic you safe travels and bring you back home.”

“Thank you, Brother Emelio.” Anastasia replied as she broke from his embrace.

Anastasia strolled away from the orphanage humming one of her favorite tunes thinking about the mission ahead. Her mind wandered to thoughts of half a year ago when her world got turned upside down. While the war outside the walls of Dei Murum raged on, a different war was being fought in the shadows. It was a conflict people didn't realize was happening under their noses.

She was there when the fight broke out between Raphean and his second in command, Miccolo. A close friend of Raphean's had struck them a deal which Miccolo detested. Voices were raised and next thing she knew, so were weapons.


“This is outrageous! You expect us to accept an empty promise over a mountain of gold beyond our wildest dreams? Raphean you know better than this!” Miccolo growled.

Raphean crossed his arms, looking at Miccolo seriously. “It's not an empty promise, Miccolo.” He began, “You don't know Leaf like I do, you don't know what he's fighting, and when he pulls this off, we can finally have a place we can call home. When this war is won, we will have a seat at the table with royalty, will finally have a dignified status in society. Aren't you tired of also being seen as no more than just a street trash?”

“With the amount of gold we were offered, we could live the life of luxury that your friend is offering and we wouldn't have to wait!” Miccolo retorted.

Raphean laughed. “So what happens when you pissed away all your money on your guilty pleasures? How long do you want to keep working tirelessly for for money? If we got in with the future queen of Heilindom we wouldn't have to work as hard, think long term Miccolo.”

Miccolo slammed his fist down on the table next to him, causing the silverware to jump. “I can handle my own money, thank you. Everyone here knows what is on the horizon, and if it's as bad as we think then I'd rather take my gold now and run. I'm not the only one here who holds this opinion and we think you made the wrong decision.”

Raphean looked into the eyes of every single person in the room, pointing his finger at them all. “I made a promise to each and every one of you that I would take care of you, the future of this organization was for the sole purpose of creating a better life for ourselves. We are just a group of outcasts, degenerates, and rejects nobody wants. This is why we do the work that we do, this is why we're good at it. I know I'm asking a lot of you to wait a while before we get our big payoff but believe me it will be worth it.”

After a few moments of silence, the room began to split as many people began to fall in behind Miccolo staring down Raphean and those who were left. Anastasia, who was positioned in the middle the room, did not move. She was well-liked by both Raphean and Miccolo, the two were like brothers, and they treated her like their little sister. However, she could tell Miccolo was being adamant about his position, more adamant than she had ever seen him before.

“Raphean, this is your last warning, back out of your deal with your friend or else.” Miccolo said, staring down Raphean his eyes like daggers.

Raphean placed his hand on the handle of his knife. “You would dare stand against me, and turn our family against one another? What happened Miccolo, what happened to you?”

Miccolo pulled out his knife, twirling around before finally gripping it. “I haven't changed, but you have. You've grown soft and this deal is the final straw. I too want what's best for our family and for the amount of gold were being offered, you'd have to be a complete idiot to pass the opportunity up. So what will be Raphean?”

“I stand by my decision.” Raphean said charging Miccolo with two supporters behind him.

An all-out brawl erupted in the Anthill hideout, Anastasia taking cover watching the pure chaos ensue. Those who had weapons were using them, those without them were using their fists, if nothing else, whatever they could get their hands on, they used as a weapon.

Anastasia jumped as a thrown chair crashed against the wall right next to her, shattering into pieces. Christian was slammed up against the wall next to her, his face bloodied. He was looking up into her terrified eyes, his mind in a daze. Anastasia let out a gasp, kneeling down to check on him. “Christian let's get out of here. I don't want to be here anymore!”

Christian didn't say anything, merely nodding in agreement, rising to his feet. Anastasia slung him over her shoulder and the two hobbled out of the hideout disappearing into the night.

The next day, Anastasia spent most of the morning treating Christian's wounds and caressing his head. She left their room taking to the streets so she could perform and earn a days living. Little did she know she would soon be thrust into the conflict which occurred the night before.

After performing one of her routines, she was approached by hooded figure. Underneath it said was a scratched up space along with a few cuts.

“Eh, Anastasia, you got a moment?” The man asked.

“Seymour, is that you?” Anastasia replied.

Seymour shook his head. “It is. You'll have to excuse the face. Last night was not kind to it.”

Anastasia said nothing in reply.

“The division's official and Miccolo is looking for allies. Can he count on you for support?” Seymour asked.

Anastasia was silent, thinking about what had transpired the night before. Raphean and Miccolo were like brothers to her and she couldn't imagine taking sides between them. “Seymour, Raphean and Miccolo mean the world to me, I don't want to take sides between two people I care about.”

Seymour's hand could be seen moving through the crease of his cloak reaching down for something, his tone turning foul “I don't think you understand the situation we are in. War has been declared and either you pick a side or get crushed by both.”

Worry filled Anastasia's eyes and her heart. “I don't think you understand the situation I'm in. Give me a day to think on your offer. Can you at least give me that?”

Seymour withdrew his hand from his hidden blade. “I suppose so. Just understand there is no playing neutral, otherwise, you'll be out of work and good luck out there.” He said, pointing off into the distance. Seymour then disappeared into the crowd.

A few minutes later another familiar face, approached Anastasia. “Hey there, Anastasia.”

“Gerard, it's been a while. How if you been, what are you doing here?” She asked.

Gerard gave Anastasia a warm smile. “I've been fine, thanks for asking. I'm actually here to talk to you about something.”

Anastasia folded her arms, suspecting she knew what he was about to ask and gave him a disgruntled look, “Let me guess, you're going to ask which side I'm going to take? And let me take another guess, Raphean asked you to come see me?”

Gerard was shocked. “How did you know?”

Anastasia became annoyed. “Seymour just approached me a few minutes ago asking if I would support Miccolo. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told him: I don't want to take sides between two people I consider family.”

Gerard folded his arms, discontent with Anastasia's answer. “You saw how Miccolo behaved last night. You honestly want to consider supporting a guy like that? He turned his back on the Anthill, his disloyalty should at least sway your judgment against him.”

“I can see exactly where Miccolo is coming from.” Anastasia said and as Gerard opened his mouth to object she continued, “and I also see exactly where Raphean is coming from.”

“If you're not with us, then you're against us.” Gerard said angrily.

Anastasia glared at Gerard, “So you're telling me Raphean would lose his mind if anyone dared remained neutral and his war against Miccolo?”

Gerard fumbled his words, “Well, I uh. We just don't want anyone playing both sides and we don't want any loose ends.”

Anastasia gently placed her hand on his shoulder with a soothing voice said. “Gerard, you're a good man and a good friend, but you've always been bad at speaking. I know things changed rather quickly and our world flipped upside down overnight, but you need to understand my position. I'm very close with the both of them and to see such a permanent tear is difficult for me to witness, so please give me time to think.”

Gerard calmed down. “How long do you need to think?”

“Give me until tomorrow.” Anastasia said.

Gerard agreed to her terms, leaving her in peace.

With great anxiety, Anastasia quickly returned to her room. She sat on the bed next to Christian telling him what had happened. The advice he gave her was to confront the both of them and tell them how she felt. He also warned her not to lose her head, letting her emotions get the best of her and say something which would agitate either one, potentially putting her life in danger. The next day, Anastasia went to see Raphean first explaining her position and while unhappy with what she had said he accepted it. The trouble began when she went to Miccolo. She had started out calmly, expressing how much he meant to her as family and how she wanted to remain neutral out of respect for both he and Raphean. Upon hearing these words, Miccolo fumed with anger raging out against her accusing her of lying and secretly supporting Raphean. No matter how many times she pleaded, trying to convince them otherwise he would not have it. It was then he gave her the ultimatum: she is either against him or for him; her decision would need to be made now. With the deepest sorrow in her heart, Anastasia sided against Miccolo.

When she left, she noticed she had been trailed by Miccolo's grunts.. She hastily retrieved Christian in the chase began.


Lord Galëas knelt before a large specter in the privacy of his throne room underneath Vergeslind. His master, Nodabba floated before him, looking down upon his servant with displeased eyes.

“While I commend you for disposing of the champion, I cannot overlook your failure to retrieve the other key.”

“The information I received was wrong.” Lord Galëas said, looking up at Nodabba. “The Princess did not possess the key. I checked when I found her body.”

Nodabba's form grew in size as he was filled with anger. “You dare question my information? The Princess had the key. You were too incompetent to seize it when you had the chance. You are too busy enjoying your victory stroll after the battle.”

Lord Galëas lowered his head back down in shame, unable to say anything to the remark.

“Need I remind you what is at stake if you do not retrieve the other key?” Nodabba asked sternly.

“No, you don't.” Lord Galëas said.

Nodabba was eyes squinted at him. “Very well, see to it you hold up your end of our bargain. Oh, and Galëas, I sense the molnjr is about to reawaken in a new champion. Ready yourself.” Turning away from Galëas, Nodabba disappeared into the air.

Lord Galëas sat on his throne in silence and shame. To think the last key to unlock the vault with the Infinite Crown had been worn by Princess Rosaria this whole time and when he had her in his clutches, the key was gone. He brooded for a while over his failure before leaving Vergeslind to attend a few matters at hand and Ibersted.

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